Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The End of the Beginning

The anonymous story at the end- That person- I want that person to be me! as well as everyone else. The story at the end is a good wrap up of the book and shows what you can be like and what life can be like if you make the movement from Me to We. It also ties everything together that was mentioned in the book. If you move from Me to We that person can be You and just reading it seems very appealing to be that person. And to pass on this book so that it affects someone elses life for the better and slowly as the word gets out hopefully the world all moves from a Me mentality to We, which is a huge dream but i dont think its out of reach, it is possible. What will i take from it? a new perspective on life, thats for sure, reading this book over this semester has honestly changed my life for the better for sure. Its so much to talk about, i could go on for hours, it will change my outlook on life and how i go about my life. I have now wanted to get more involved with Me to We and have joined the school commitee and plan on going to see the effects we can make by going to Kenya through me to we. I am so happy i read this book and even more happy i did at this age when i am still maturing and deciding what to do with my life. What an amazing story.....Me to We...We are the generation and i do plan on being the change.

The Left hand Handshake

When i read this part in the book no joke my mouth literally dropped and i was shocked. This boy in middle school extends his left arm to shake the hands with the man who caused do much devastation to his community and the country and who cut off his right arm! I was amazed this middle school aged child extending his hand to show peace to the man that caused the devastation! WOW how powerful, i was shocked. I'm sure that man, at least I'm hoping he felt guilt for what he had done and was moved by this child's gesture and realizes what he has done. That was crazy for this young boy to do such a thing and in a way forgive him for what he has caused and to move forward with peace. I was shocked i honestly believe i would not even think about doing such a thing, Santosh is amazing. I do believe though that in order to move forward you do have to forgive and maybe that is why Santosh did this in order to move forward in peace. I was just shocked at such a young age he could do that. He is on brave and courageous boy.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Mr. Williams

I have met a Mr. Williams and he reminds me of him so much. My Mr. Williams is my minister Dr. Lonnie. He is an amazing man who is always willing to lone a helping hand to anyone. He is very active in our community and would never even think twice about helping out someone in need. He has supported me in all my decisions and is always willing to help if needed. He is a very approachable man and is always good to go to when you need some help. He would do what Mr. Williams did any day to help out someone. He always tells us that his door is always open and he is always willing to talk and help. He truly is a Mr. Williams

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Water Festival

I went to the water festival on Tuesday and despite the wind and dampness it was fun. I enjoyed running and giving presentations on our station. I thought it was neat, we did have a cool station, about Wet lands. I enjoyed it but the lunch was little awkward with Wieners and Beans. There were lots of kids and I think the festival is great and had tons to do for the kids.

We're A Minga!

We can always use minga's in our community and they bring everyone together. Minga's are great and we should have more of them in our community. I remember once when a person in my youth group told us a story about his mom having MS and him raising money each year for the walk. Our youth group felt we should support him and that year all member of our group raised money for the Walk for MS and together as a group we went and did the walk along side the member of our group in support of his Mom. It was very uplifting and it went really well. We all came together to help fight for a cause that had affected a family member of one of our members. It was a great experience.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Lindsay Avner and Race for the Cure

Lindsay reacted much the same as most people would in her situation with anger and bitterness towards people. But once surrounded by others who have gone through similar situations she doesn't feel so alone and has people who feel her pain. I think it would be normal for someone to react as Lindsay did. I personally have had a few people close to me be overcome by cancer, sadly know one has survived it close to me. I have always supported Terry Fox run and other cancer research fundraisers. And after many years of debating I hope to be in the Relay for Life this year. I have always wanted to do this but have always held back, this year is the year.

Viktor Frankl

"Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual."
I do agree with Viktor, life is what you make it. Its your job to to do the right thing by sticking to your values and beliefs to solve its problems and your job to overcome tasks set before you. Never give up and constanly overcome the tasks set before you and stick with your values to overcome problems. This is all up to the individual, so no one but them can acomplish this, therefor can not blame anything on anyone else. This is a great quote from Viktor Frankl.