Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Left hand Handshake

When i read this part in the book no joke my mouth literally dropped and i was shocked. This boy in middle school extends his left arm to shake the hands with the man who caused do much devastation to his community and the country and who cut off his right arm! I was amazed this middle school aged child extending his hand to show peace to the man that caused the devastation! WOW how powerful, i was shocked. I'm sure that man, at least I'm hoping he felt guilt for what he had done and was moved by this child's gesture and realizes what he has done. That was crazy for this young boy to do such a thing and in a way forgive him for what he has caused and to move forward with peace. I was shocked i honestly believe i would not even think about doing such a thing, Santosh is amazing. I do believe though that in order to move forward you do have to forgive and maybe that is why Santosh did this in order to move forward in peace. I was just shocked at such a young age he could do that. He is on brave and courageous boy.

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