Monday, April 6, 2009

Community Adventure

I felt that the community adventure I went on went very well. Many of the businesses seemed interested in the concept and wanted to help out. We didn't have many stores who didn't seem interested at all and i was glad because then their was no awkward silences. I felt it helped to get the word out in our community about what were doing and see if they can help us in any way to raise the remaining amount of money. I recieved money right up front from one of the businesses downtown which was suprising. I also have been informed another one of our businesses donated a large amount of money. I think this shows that the community is happy to help us out on our school project. I also hope some businesses will donate raffle prizes to help out at our overnight saving us some costs. I think this is great we are going outside our school to ask for help in any way. Its good relations with our school and our businesses. I think it went well and am sure to business will gladly open up and help out.

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