Saturday, May 30, 2009

Water Festival

I went to the water festival on Tuesday and despite the wind and dampness it was fun. I enjoyed running and giving presentations on our station. I thought it was neat, we did have a cool station, about Wet lands. I enjoyed it but the lunch was little awkward with Wieners and Beans. There were lots of kids and I think the festival is great and had tons to do for the kids.

We're A Minga!

We can always use minga's in our community and they bring everyone together. Minga's are great and we should have more of them in our community. I remember once when a person in my youth group told us a story about his mom having MS and him raising money each year for the walk. Our youth group felt we should support him and that year all member of our group raised money for the Walk for MS and together as a group we went and did the walk along side the member of our group in support of his Mom. It was very uplifting and it went really well. We all came together to help fight for a cause that had affected a family member of one of our members. It was a great experience.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Lindsay Avner and Race for the Cure

Lindsay reacted much the same as most people would in her situation with anger and bitterness towards people. But once surrounded by others who have gone through similar situations she doesn't feel so alone and has people who feel her pain. I think it would be normal for someone to react as Lindsay did. I personally have had a few people close to me be overcome by cancer, sadly know one has survived it close to me. I have always supported Terry Fox run and other cancer research fundraisers. And after many years of debating I hope to be in the Relay for Life this year. I have always wanted to do this but have always held back, this year is the year.

Viktor Frankl

"Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual."
I do agree with Viktor, life is what you make it. Its your job to to do the right thing by sticking to your values and beliefs to solve its problems and your job to overcome tasks set before you. Never give up and constanly overcome the tasks set before you and stick with your values to overcome problems. This is all up to the individual, so no one but them can acomplish this, therefor can not blame anything on anyone else. This is a great quote from Viktor Frankl.

Joe Opatowski

One big thing to take from Joe's story is that anyone can change and become a better person, no one is hopeless in changing their ways. Joe came from a tough struggling background but was changed with the Me to We philosophy. It changed his life. Joe could have been anyone. Never give up on anyone because you never know what they are truly capable of and that they can be changed for the better. Joe gave back to what was given to him, Me to We changed his life and through Me to We he changed/affected so many other people's lives like it did to him. He gave back what Me to We gave him. Anyone can be changed and never give up on anyone or feel like their hopeless because there not. Joe gave back and affected so many people, sad to know he is no longer with us. He left a lasting legacy.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Oprah' Story

I personally yes i will admit it am a fan of Oprah and yes i do watch her show almost daily at 4o'clock...only when there the good shows, I dont like her fashion shows that she has but she does do really good meaningful shows, which i do watch. I think her big heart does help in her great success of her show but not the whole reason. I think she is very opinionated and people watch to see what she may say or talk about on her show. She is a great success story because of what she did with the background she came from. Dont get me wrong she does have a big heart and has helped out many people but i dont believe that is what has totally helped her in her success with the show.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Cars in Bronx and Palo Alto

IDCI can learn from this study done. Our school needs to become more socially bonded. This can be done as shown in the study is just to get to know people in the halls, say Hey to people you walk by that you may not normally. It make people feel welcome and recognized. When you do this these people feel better and will look out for you because they see you are taking the time to say Hey rather than ignoring them. If you get this going through the whole school everyone feels socially connected and they all look out for eachother and will have each others backs. This can help make IDCI safer first of all because people are more likely to fess up or their friends may. It will also make it more of a welcoming and happy place to be where everyone says Hey and doesn't ignore people and make them feel worse. It always cheers you up when you see people and they say hey it shows they care. This can help IDCI if this mentality was to get into place. Everyone would look out for eachother and make them feel happy. Safer and happier. Cant get much better!

Monarch Park Collegiate

IDCI can take one big thing from the story of Monarch Park Collegiate, anything can be done when people come together for a cause no matter what group, religion, race, sexuality or background you come from. People come together when their is a cause to fight for. In IDCI we are not near as diverse as they are but we are diverse in other ways. We have many different groups, cliques and clans. This shows never to underestimate anyone and most people when for a cause do truly have a caring heart which sometimes can break a stereotype that some people have of different groups. When fighting for a cause you'd be surprised of the people who step up and make a difference and care. It brings all these diverse groups into one big group fighting for a cause to help others out. It could bring all of the different grades and groups of IDCI together because they now have something in common with each other

Sunday, May 3, 2009


I feel most connected to my lacrosse team. Lacrosse means alot to me and it has played a huge role in my life. Lacrosse is in my blood, all my family has or still is playing it, and my grandpa is inducted into the Ontario lacrosse hall of fame. I love the sport and my team and it is a huge passion for me. Lacrosse keeps me active and part of a team and it gives me a bunch of new friends from all over this area that share the same passion as me. In the future i plan to get my children involved in lacrosse to keep the tradition going. Lacrosse keeps you active and challenges you and I am always up for a challenge and keep trying to get better and better. I love playing and its a great sport...Canada's national sport actually ahaha.

Grade 8

I only did one day of touring because i had to write a Biology contest the other day, but i think the one day was enough and i learned alot. It went alright for me, it was different because i thought they would all be shy and scared about the big transition but i was taken by surprise when some of them started getting sassy with me and thinking they knew everything and ran the school. I did the tour alright and got them around okay, it was also a scavenger for me a little because some of the questions they had to answer i didn't know and the room numbers had me on my toes. I think the scavenger hunt was well done and it got all of them thinking and took us everywhere around the school. I know its mean but the grade 8 need to know their place in the school when they come here for grade 9, they cant think they run the place like some of them thought as grade 8's. We needed a microphone in the gym when students and teachers were talking in order for everyone to hear and for them to be quite, it would make it alot more organized cause everyone would be able to hear you. Also, if you could go into a few classes and they could see how they work then that may help them see what a classroom looks like and what it will be like for them. And if they could even talk to some grade 9's who made the transition last year then that gives them a sense of what they may go through. But all in all grade 8's have changed and i hope them well in their transition.

Lions, Tigers and Zebras

'One zebra is weak, many are powerful', 'No one can live alone; it is not possible', 'When we come together we are powerful'
These are all statements made in the story about the zebra and i think these are very true and can be related to our own lives. When people want to make a difference they are not heard as much when they try by themselves. They need to get the support from others because people here, when many people speak. Government don't tend to listen to just one person but when you have numbers you are powerful and the government listens. Everyone needs someone in their life, no one can live alone. There are always times when you want someone by your side helping you through hard times. Everyone needs someone who they can turn to and trust. When our community comes together we are powerful, and it also lifts up others around us. Changes can be made when communities and people come together. When we are together then we can live a great life but when we are divided or split up then things will not go so well because no one can get along.

Kim, Mike and Brenda

I admire Kim's story the most because she was just a young girl wanting to make a difference in her world. She was just a normal child who decided to fight for something she felt strongly about. She made a petition against child labour and approached everyone to sign it, she went out and actually did something to fight against it rather than just realizing its happening she actually did something about it. She received 6 thousand signatures and it got recognized by the government. She created more awareness to others and hopefully they took action as well. This story i admired the most and it inspired me, if she can make a difference then i can to, and i shall hope to.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

8 Secrets of Success

The 8 secrets to success described were: Serve, Passion, Work, Focus, Persist, Ideas, Good, Push. I after watching this clip really do believe these 8 things can help lead you to success. But success is what you make it. Success is more of a personal thing and for me i would say following these 8 secrets will help me to be successful. You got do all of these things in order to accomplish goals in life and to do what you want to do in your life. I do agree with this man and i think he has done a great job in doing this over a span of 7 years and 500 interviews, he has done some amazing work and has given people a guide to follow in order to be successful.