Sunday, May 3, 2009

Grade 8

I only did one day of touring because i had to write a Biology contest the other day, but i think the one day was enough and i learned alot. It went alright for me, it was different because i thought they would all be shy and scared about the big transition but i was taken by surprise when some of them started getting sassy with me and thinking they knew everything and ran the school. I did the tour alright and got them around okay, it was also a scavenger for me a little because some of the questions they had to answer i didn't know and the room numbers had me on my toes. I think the scavenger hunt was well done and it got all of them thinking and took us everywhere around the school. I know its mean but the grade 8 need to know their place in the school when they come here for grade 9, they cant think they run the place like some of them thought as grade 8's. We needed a microphone in the gym when students and teachers were talking in order for everyone to hear and for them to be quite, it would make it alot more organized cause everyone would be able to hear you. Also, if you could go into a few classes and they could see how they work then that may help them see what a classroom looks like and what it will be like for them. And if they could even talk to some grade 9's who made the transition last year then that gives them a sense of what they may go through. But all in all grade 8's have changed and i hope them well in their transition.

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