Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Monarch Park Collegiate

IDCI can take one big thing from the story of Monarch Park Collegiate, anything can be done when people come together for a cause no matter what group, religion, race, sexuality or background you come from. People come together when their is a cause to fight for. In IDCI we are not near as diverse as they are but we are diverse in other ways. We have many different groups, cliques and clans. This shows never to underestimate anyone and most people when for a cause do truly have a caring heart which sometimes can break a stereotype that some people have of different groups. When fighting for a cause you'd be surprised of the people who step up and make a difference and care. It brings all these diverse groups into one big group fighting for a cause to help others out. It could bring all of the different grades and groups of IDCI together because they now have something in common with each other

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