Friday, March 27, 2009

World Values Survey and happiness

I think this is very interesting that the top four countries that were the happiest, were not a developed country. This clearly shows that money can't buy happines. These people in these countries have very little and not many of the luxuries that we do but yet they are still happier than the developed countries who have a lot more. I think this is a very powerful survey that shows we clearly take what we have for granted and don't realize how lucky we are and how happy we should be of the life we live. It shows that you don't have to have all the newest and best things in order to be happy, you can be happy with very little. We get sad when the littlest things go wrong for us (laid off, economy, relatiochips, debt) but we don't take time to realize the life we live and what we have. The top four countries don't have all these luxeries but yet they are still happy...very powerful message. Money cannot but happiness. Interesting and powerful survey

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