Friday, February 13, 2009

Nelson Mandela

1st- He showed great determination and overcame so many obstacles that were put in front of him. He overcame them all and never gave up. He showed that it may take a while for your dream to come true. Its a journey and he overcame all the obstacles that were intended to stop his dream. True leaders have determination and once started they must finish it.

2nd- True leaders have a dream and they fight for that dream. Nelson Mandela had a huge dream and he fought for that dream with his life because he believed and never gave up. He didn't let others discourage him. He had a dream in mind of his country and people being free, and he gave everything up just to achieve that dream. Because of this he has changed the world and shown you can achieve your goals.

3rd- He was honest and true to himself. He didn't care what others thought and didn't let their beliefs discourage his. He was put in jail for his beliefs but a true leader who truly beliefs in their goals stays true to themselves and he didn't change his outlook and got out of jail and became the President of South Africa and made his dream come true.

4th- He also showed that one person really can make a difference in our world and that anything is possible. Many people think that you have to be a big group to actually change something but Mandela showed all it takes is one person and a dream they truly believe in. That gives us as leaders inspiration. At least it does to me. One person really can make a difference.

5th- Finally, Nelson Mandela showed us passion, strength and hope. He dreamed of change and went through so much because he believed so strongly. These are three very important things that leaders must have.

Nelson Mandela is a true leader who has inspired so many people by his dream and story. And he has definatly impacted my life.

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