Friday, February 13, 2009

The Roseto Mystery

I think the Roseto mystery is a big mystery indeed. I felt this was a very interesting story and made me really think of our community. I think there is a good point and interesting message behind this mystery. The fact of a tight knit community adding approximately 30 years to your life is pretty amazing. This can be explained because of the co-operation in the community. To get one task done they all work together as a unit and are much more efficient than others who work as individuals. This can give them better health because they are doing less by themselves and not stressing out or doing something they should be by themselves.
As well, their feelings are probably a lot more positive and happier than most others are in the world. This is because the are apart of a group and no one is an outsider. Also, i would assume that there is no arguing or fighting within the community. I think this because that would bring more stress. Stress is bad for your health and won't help them live longer. That's why i feel these people are much more happier, and being apart of a 'group' can make anyone happy. Happiness is good for you health (actually proven) and may be a factor in why they live much longer.
When they took people out of the community and put them in another culture they say over generations the life span slowly deflated. This is very interesting and adds to the fact of the community. What I would think would be neat to see would be to add a family into the community from another culture and see if over generations the life span grew.
I think this shows how much we lack in a tight knit community. Nobody is very close to others anymore. Its almost like we lack in trust in the people around us. Our cultures can't always get along with each other and fight and we are always rocked with devastating news so we are scared to get to know anyone anymore like we're scared of what may happen. We always here bad news and it is what rules our media. All the bad things that have happened in our world (murders, economy, wars). We are all so unstable now and don't know what will happen next. This has affected our communities and people act a lot different and are a lot more cautious. This adds stress and we are on average less happier.
Now the reasoning of how this increases or decreases our life expectancy is truly a mystery. Very interesting concept.

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